Category: Washing Machine

AmbianceWateryMac SDR032101

Ambiance, Watery Machine; 2 Beeps And The Machine Warms Up Slowly Churning And Filling With Water, A Few Added Mechanical Elements Gently Kick In, After About 30 Secs. Rhythmic Elements Are Introduced And The Music Begins. At 2; 21 The Machine Quickly S

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AmbianceWateryMac SDR032102

Ambiance, Watery Machine; Machine Warms Up Slowly Churning And Filling With Water, A Few Added Mechanical And Watery Elements Gently Kick In, At 50 Secs. The Rhythm Plays Until The End ( Different Mic Positions Than 19-2 ) ( Dishwasher Fills And Runs )

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AmbianceWateryMac SDR032103

Ambiance, Watery Machine; Machine Clicks, Drains Water, @20 Secs Mechanical Element Kicks In Water Picks Up Momentum And Rhythm Begins, @2; 03 Secs Beep And Water Suddenly Drains Out ( Dishwasher Changes Cycles And Drains )

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