Category: Passenger

TrainLongFromDista PE064401

Train Long In From Distant With Echoed Horn Blows To Very Close By; Left To Right With Rail Clicks And Squeaks. Long Train With Loud Caboose By And Away At End.

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TrainLongFromDista PE064401

Train Long In From Distant With Echoed Horn Blows To Very Close By; Left To Right With Rail Clicks And Squeaks. Long Train With Loud Caboose By And Away At End.

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TrainExteriorPersp PE064101

Train, Exterior Perspective; Steady, With Constant Rail Clicks And Metal Rattles, Medium Distant Train Horn Blows, Bells By. Good For Top Of Train Perspective.

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TrainExteriorPersp PE064101

Train, Exterior Perspective; Steady, With Constant Rail Clicks And Metal Rattles, Medium Distant Train Horn Blows, Bells By. Good For Top Of Train Perspective.

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