RSM033_13 SeaShanty.mp3
A fun Celtic track with acoustic 12 string guitar, mandolin, and traditional percussion.
Read moreA fun Celtic track with acoustic 12 string guitar, mandolin, and traditional percussion.
Read moreCeltic vocals over a synth drone lead into a medium tempo loop with added harp and electric guitar. A major sounding theme grows from fusion of traditional and modern elements.
Read moreA modern sounding Celtic tune with bright drums, bass, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, synths and vocals. Bass and synth swell into a syncopated beat with added acoustic guitar. Electric guitar fills the vocal gaps with lead licks and fiddle following
Read moreTraditional Celtic instrumentation combines with synth and vocal effects. Plucked instruments are joined by vocals, whistles, strings and light percussion and lead into a whistle melody theme. The theme is then repeated with various arrangements.
Read moreA simple Celtic song performed with modern instrumentation. Drums, bass and guitar make up the music bed with Celtic vocals gliding overtop. Synth and modern percussion also add modern flair. Nylon guitar and whistle briefly take over the melody before
Read moreA driving Celtic tune with pounding percussion double by low strings, a fiddle melody, and vocal/ synth effects. Low percussion and strings lead into the main theme with thick synth pads filling up the spaces.
Read moreA BIG Celtic vocal track with flute, strings, whistles, guitar, bass, drums, and percussion. This upbeat track starts with vocals doubled by keyboards over a big percussion and piano bed. A fast solo section steps out with flute and whistle duets agains
Read morePipe melodies and vocal effects lead into a slow track with modern drums, acoustic guitar, bass. Whistle takes the initial melody with harp eventually taking over.
Read moreA ambient Celtic song with sparse percussion, electric guitar effects, synth and lush vocals. Vocal effects with percussion slowly grow with additional synth effects leading into a strong vocal melody with guitar effects.
Read moreTraditional Celtic percussion comes together with vocals and synth for this Irish track. Big vocal stabs respond to harp questions then lead into a steady track with added Celtic percussion, whistles and strings.
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