Genre: Adult Contemporary

CPM2508_15 CountryCruisin’.mp3

Roll along an infinite musical highway with this country tinged rocker! Shimmering leslie guitar, wistful steel guitar and positive piano float above a driving rhythm section of acoustic guitar, bass and drums. A brief, but brilliant steel guitar solo app

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CPM2508_11 CountryCruisin’.mp3

Roll along an infinite musical highway with this country tinged rocker! Shimmering leslie guitar, wistful steel guitar and positive piano float above a driving rhythm section of acoustic guitar, bass and drums. A brief, but brilliant steel guitar solo app

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CPM2508_12 ANewFuture.mp3

A slide guitar intro sets off this cool rock instrumental. Features leslie guitar, piano, drums and a melodic bass line. Trance inducing volume pedal guitar solo enters at 3:20.

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CPM2508_09 AWonderfulFeelin.mp3

Positivity radiates from this mellow acousti-pop gem. Melodious piano parts float above a bed of ringing box guitar and chiming mandolin. A steady backing rhythm is supplied by drums and electric bass while ethereal synths add a touch of dreamy atmosphere

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CPM2508_10 MovingFurther.mp3

Rhythmic acoustic guitar playing keeps pace with driving drums and hand percussion on this solid pop/ rock instrumental. Intertwining piano and electric guitar lines create catchy melodic themes.

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CPM2508_08 HappyEasyDays.mp3

Positive and upbeat track with a sunny, tropical feel. Features leslie guitars, acoustic guitar, lively bass lines, assorted percussion elements and organ. Lovely steel guitar solo begins at 1:46.

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CPM2508_07 APerfectLife.mp3

Slightly melancholy modern rock track begins with bass, piano acoustic guitar and a cool drum loop then gradually expands into a wider musical landscape. Features tremolo guitars, leslie guitars, synth strings and a pensive piano theme doubled with octave

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CPM2508_04 RememberAndFly.mp3

This 60’s style English psychedelic rock piece takes the listener on a nostalgic trip to re-live the glory days of vinyl. The musical odyssey comes complete with mellotron flutes, crystalline guitar textures, strings, backwards effects and a resounding fi

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CPM2508_06 MagicRomanticMom.mp3

A beautiful and flowing ballad featuring leslie guitar, piano, synth strings, violin and massive tympani entering at 1:12. These lush, majestic melodies coupled with emotional builds make for a romantic and reflective musical experience.

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