Raising the bar of excellence with each and every contest.
What is the point of making movies if we can’t have some fun with them? The Challenges feature on the Lot is a series of custom competitions to see who is the best. Fame, a certificate and a statue are awarded to the top three contenders in each challenge. This year marks our first challenge and we are honored to be hosting this contest for SkillsUSA, the premiere technical contest organization. We have been judging the SkillsUSA Digital Cinema contest for four years in Louisville, Kentucky and look forward to the 2021 SkillsUSA contest in Atlanta, Georgia.
Here's How The Challenges Work
You must first be enrolled in a school that has a current subscription to Sneak On The Lot. We host several challenges a year on the Lot where cash prizes, workshops, and gear are up for grabs to the best filmmaking team/school. Films are judged on six different criteria. Professional filmmakers from around the country judge the student’s work and provide valuable feedback to each filmmaking team. The top three students in all six categories are listed in the Winner’s List inside the theater.




The challenges are constantly running throughout the year so return to this page frequently to find out what current challenges are coming up.
How Do I Get Started?
Step 1
Enroll your school and add your students to the class. They will each be given access to all the tools and courses on the Lot.
Step 2
Each student is required to complete the SkillsUSA course and the associated tests. Part of completing the course is making a film.
Step 3
select your desired challenge during the upload process and attach the students to each crew position. Then upload your film to the Theater