[section_title title=”Our Most Popular Bundles”]Although you can choose any singular course as an individual student, most schools or groups tend to buy all the courses in bundled packages.[/section_title]
[pricing featured=”3″ titles=”Basic
Professional” price=”$500
$1800″ button_text=”Sign Up
Sign Up
Sign Up”]Access to Documentary, PSA, Commercial and Short film curriculums |Y|Y|Y
Professional” price=”$500
$1800″ button_text=”Sign Up
Sign Up
Sign Up”]Access to Documentary, PSA, Commercial and Short film curriculums |Y|Y|Y
Access to all course forums |Y|Y|Y
2 Hard Drives with Raw footage and sound for students to work with |N|Y|Y
Access to all courses |N|N|Y
Slate |N|N|Y
[button_box icon_1=”fa fa-sign-in” text_1=”Contact Us” link_1=”http://sneakonthelot.com/workshop-interest-signup/” icon_2=”fa fa-download” text_2=”Download PDF” link_2=”#”]Description of the pricing plans and programs[/button_box]