Welcome to the Lot!
Thank you for registering for the free filmmaking seminars and contests. You are all set for the entire series. There is no need to fill the form out again.
Now we need to set up your school. Two days before the next contest begins your school will be given full access to the site and all of the filmmaking tools. During those two days you will need to set up your classrooms and invite your students who wish to participate in the contest.
This free enrollment program is strictly for seminars and contests. The full curriculum of 12 filmmaking courses will not be made available in this free subscription. The music library, sound effects, stock footage and other filmmaking tools will also be turned off after each contest. Full access to the tools will be turned back on the day before the next contest begins.
One Last Step
To complete enrollment we must now set up your school and your students in preparation for the contest. If you would rather just purchase the full Lot experience for all your students, select “Get A Quote”.