Sound Effects Library
The bells of a church tower or the ringing of a phone. All of which are nothing without the magic of sound effects. 90% of motion picture is done in postproduction, make your projects be heard.
[student course_id="10625"]
Search SFX
- Air & Steam
- Aircraft-Futuristic
- Aircraft-Gliders
- Aircraft-Helicopter
- Aircraft-Jet Military
- Aircraft-Jet Passenger
- Aircraft-Prop Military
- Aircraft-Prop Passenger
- Aircraft-Rockets
- Aircraft-Various
- Airports & Stations
- Alarms
- Animals-Barnyard
- Animals-Bird BGs
- Animals-Bird Singles
- Animals-Cat
- Animals-Dog
- Animals-Horse
- Animals-Insects BG
- Animals-Insects Single
- Animals-Jungle BGs
- Animals-Jungle Birds
- Animals-Monkeys
- Animals-Various
- Animals-Wild
- Baby
- Boats & Ships
- Bullet-Bys & Riccos
- Bullet-Impacts
- Cameras
- Carnivals & Fairs
- Cartoon & Comedy
- Casinos
- Caves & Tunnels
- Chairs
- Computers & Beeps
- Construction & Factory BG
- Courtroom & Mvmt BG
- Crowd-Applause & Cheer
- Crowd-Arena EXT
- Crowd-Arena INT
- Crowd-Boos
- Crowd-Children
- Crowd-Coughs & Cries
- Crowd-EXT Various
- Crowd-Foreign
- Crowd-INT Various
- Crowd-Laugh Happy
- Crowd-Murmur Walla
- Crowd-Ohhs & Ahhs
- Crowd-Revival
- Crowd-Riot Panic
- Crowd-Schools & Teens
- Crowd-Singing & Chanting
- Crowd-Soldiers Ancient
- Crowd-Soldiers Modern
- Crowd-Stores & Halls
- Dining-Bar & Restaurant BGs
- Dining-Kitchens & Eating
- Doors-Glass
- Doors-High Tech
- Doors-Metal
- Doors-Prison
- Doors-Various
- Doors-Wood
- Explosion Debris
- Fireworks
- Foley Hands
- Foley Props
- Gear Cops & Soldiers
- Gyms & Locker Rooms
- Harbors & Marinas
- Historical
- Hospital BGs
- Human Voices & Sounds
- Impacts & Crashes-Fights
- Impacts & Crashes-Foliage
- Impacts & Crashes-Ice
- Impacts & Crashes-Mud Goo
- Impacts & Crashes-Other
- Impacts & Crashes-Rocks & Sand
- Impacts & Crashes-Various
- Impacts & Crashes-Wood
- Machines-Construction & Factory
- Machines-Power Up Down
- Machines-Servos
- Machines-Various
- Machines-Winches & Gears
- Military Base
- Musical Instruments
- Office
- Production Elements
- Radios & Static
- Rooms & Tones
- Ropes & Cables-Climbing
- Switches & Levers
- Televisions & Shows
- Trains
- Vehicle-Accessories
- Vehicle-Bus
- Vehicle-Bys
- Vehicle-Construction
- Vehicle-Electric
- Vehicle-Futuristic
- Vehicle-Military
- Vehicle-Recreation
- Vehicle-Sirens
- Vehicle-Suspension
- Vehicle-Trucks
- Vehicle-Various
- Volcano & Earthquake
- Wagons Carts & Carriages
- Water-Bow Wash
- Water-FX
- Water-Nature
- Water-Splashes & Sprays
- Water-Underwater FX
- Weapons-Battle BGs
- Weapons-Knives
- Weapons-Machine Guns Heavy
- Weapons-Shotguns
- Weather-Rain
- Weather-Thunder
- Western FX
[visitor course_id="10625"]
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